Multidiscipline sport competition

Multidiscipline sport competition

On 13 December multidiscipline competition was held at the college.

Results of the competition:
I place – A. Koval from 202 «Nursing», achieved record results in jumping and pull-up.
II place – K. Kirillov from 203 «Curative affair».
III place – R.Tristan from 202 «Curative affair».

Among girls E. Gorobets was ranked first.
II place – S. Bayzakova.
III place – R. Mamayko.

Mission of the College

►training of highly qualified specialists with a secondary medical education, competitive in the labour market, competent, responsible, humane, merciful and ready to continuous professional growth;

►satisfaction of demands of a person in the corresponding education, and also advanced training and retraining of medical workers.