А Festival of young teachers «Шәкіртке ұстаз болу-ірілік»

А Festival of young teachers «Шәкіртке ұстаз болу-ірілік»

As part of the year of youth in Kazakhstan, the Kostanay branch of «Өрлеу» on 18 April 2019 organized a festival of young teachers «Шәкіртке ұстаз болу-ірілік» aimed at supporting the professional development of young teachers of educational institutions.

The festival was held to reveal the creative potential of young teachers, the development of professional activity and civic initiative, to accelerate the process of professional and social adaptation of young teachers.

Our College at the festival was presented by the teacher of chemical disciplines Kuzhakhmetova A. Zh.

During the event, participants were offered a creative quest "Let's get acquainted" and the work of platforms for the exchange of experience. At the end of the event, all participants of the forum were awarded certificates.

Mission of the College

►training of highly qualified specialists with a secondary medical education, competitive in the labour market, competent, responsible, humane, merciful and ready to continuous professional growth;

►satisfaction of demands of a person in the corresponding education, and also advanced training and retraining of medical workers.