Teacher's Day!

Teacher's Day!

The atmosphere of the holiday was in the Kostanay Higher Medical College from 7.30 a.m. on October 4, 2019. Happy students, lining up in a lively corridor, greeted their favorite teachers with friendly applause and delicious sweets!!!

“Self-government day” was announced at college that day. Graduate students were in the role of teachers, and teachers again felt like students! Third-year students worthily conducted general and clinical disciplines! 39 backup teachers conducted more than 45 classes on this day according to statistics.

The theme of the pedagogical council “Cooperation as the main condition for successful and constructive interaction between teachers and students” was not chosen by chance. Doubles, department heads, conducted several types of questionnaires among students and college teachers during the day. Survey results: all teachers like their profession; they had no conflicts with our students. Very often, students turn to teachers for help outside school hours. Teachers rated our students with positive qualities. Students liked“Self-government day”. 

Many students supported the idea of conducting “Self-government day”annually at our college. 

Vatras Anna, who this day became the understudy of the deputy director for educational work, summed up: The main thing for both the teacher and the student is to cultivate the ability, willingness and ability to cooperate with each other! And it seems to me that today's “Self-government day”is a vivid confirmation of this!!!! 

The day ended with a traditional holiday concert, which students prepared with special love and warmth!

Mission of the College

►training of highly qualified specialists with a secondary medical education, competitive in the labour market, competent, responsible, humane, merciful and ready to continuous professional growth;

►satisfaction of demands of a person in the corresponding education, and also advanced training and retraining of medical workers.