Open practical lesson on the theme: «CPC and massage in osteochondrosis»

Open practical lesson on the theme: «CPC and massage in osteochondrosis»

On 13 October 2017, within the framework of the decade of CMC №2, there was open practical lesson on the theme: «CFC and massage in osteochondrosis» organized on «Curative physical culture and massage» discipline in the group 302 «Nursing».

The lesson was prepared by Kudryavtseva N.N., a young teacher of special subjects.

The lesson was attended by experienced and young teachers, as well as representatives of the administration.

During the lesson Kudryavtseva N. N. has demonstrated the basic techniques of therapeutic massage and complex medical gymnastics.

The lesson was organized using the problem-based learning, information technology, Bloom's taxonomy, communication technology, work in groups.

Organizing this lesson Kudryavtseva N. N has demonstrated a high professional ability, pedagogical creativity, and even physical training.

According to general requirements for practical lessons in the discipline and capabilities of learners, there have been developed didactic material, activating the mental activity of students, educational cognitive activity, creativity, independence of students, as can be seen in every stage of the lesson.

The equipment used on the lesson, was selected with great care. In the learning process were involved not only students, but also the guests.

Mission of the College

►training of highly qualified specialists with a secondary medical education, competitive in the labour market, competent, responsible, humane, merciful and ready to continuous professional growth;

►satisfaction of demands of a person in the corresponding education, and also advanced training and retraining of medical workers.